推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜提供了两个 创意写作硕士学位: Master of Arts and Master of Fine Arts.


M.A. in Creative Writing requires 30 credits and is typically completed in 18 个月. It is offered online, with limited campus visits, in two convenient formats.

  • Low-residency: eight-day residencies in Wilkes-Barre each January and June 
  • Weekender: four weekends during the first month of the semester, all online. 

A bachelor's degree in any field is accepted for admission. )你不必非得拥有 majored in English or Creative Writing.) If you do not have a degree, please call us to discuss program options at (800) WILKES-U Ext. 4547.


一旦你赢得了M.A. from Wilkes (in three semesters), you're eligible to complete your MFA in Creative Writing (in two more semesters). MFA是被识别的终端 创意写作专业毕业. It will help prepare you to teach, work in the publishing field, or simply excel in your writing career. 实习(网上或网上) in person) with a university, publisher, film producer, or writing organization(s) is required during your final semester.


CW 501R: Foundations of Creative Writing (3 credits)

CW 502:写作小说(3学分)
CW 503:写诗(3学分)
CW 504: Writing Screenplays (3 credits)
CW 505:剧本写作(3学分)
CW 506: Writing 创造性的非小说 (3 credits)

CW 510R: Planning the Writing Life (3 credits)

CW 512: Genre and Context (3 credits, reading intensive)
CW 514: Writing Projects (3 credits, writing intensive)

CW 516R: Final Project/Thesis Plan (3 credits)

CW 520:期末项目(6学分)

CW 525R: Masters Capstone (3 credits)

选修:CW 530*(1-6学分)
*This is a continuous registration course for students who need more time to further revise and complete final project, or who want to write a new project in one semester..


MFA program begins with orientation during the CW 525 residency for Wilkes students 谁正在完成他们的M.A. degrees and for alumni who decide to return at a later 是时候攻读硕士学位了

CW 612: Literary Analysis (6 credits)
CW 614*:修读期(3学分)
*CW 614 may be taken in either the first or second project semester.

CW 616R: Writing in Education/出版 (3 credits)

CW 620: Writing in Education/出版 Internships (6 credits)

CW 650: The Professional Writer (1 credit) 

可选:CW 630*(1至6学分)
*This is a continuous registration course for students who need more time to further revise and complete creative thesis, or to write a new project in one semester..

M.A. 顶石

As a graduation requirement, you will present your creative theses in a format appropriate 适合你的风格.


Writers will present a formal, ten-minute reading from their completed manuscript followed 通过问答环节.


Writers will present a formal, ten-minute reading from their completed manuscript followed 通过问答环节.

Screenwriting / Writing for Television

Screenwriting and Writing for Television students will work with their mentors to prepare part of their script for a table read. 读者将包括演员、队列 members, and other film professionals. Screenwriting students must be prepared to present a "pitch" to a film producer, agent or director before 阅读 and to answer process questions after the table reading.


Poets will present a formal, ten-minute reading from their completed poetry chapbook, followed 通过问答环节. Some or all their poetry must be recited. 


Spoken Word students will present a ten-minute performance of their work, followed 通过问答环节. 他们所有的诗都必须背诵. 


Playwrights will work with an assigned director to cast and prepare their play for 正式的分阶段阅读. Experienced actors appropriate to the work must be utilized. Playwrights will rehearse with the cast and meet with the director to prepare for 阅读. Playwrights will be prepared to answer questions about their work and processes following the staged reading. Finished scripts must adhere to play format.


Students will present their small press or literary journal as if they are launching 一家新公司. They will make a formal presentation to a panel of 出版商, editors, and agents and create supporting materials, including a business plan, marketing materials 第一个产物是e.g. a novel or journal) to be launched with the company.



You can select an internship experience in arts education (e.g. 教学创新 writing), publishing, or some other writing field. 在实习期间,你会的 work in a wide range of settings while interacting with your cohort online. 这个项目 director and faculty mentors will work with each student to create an internship that is rigorous, stimulating and resume-building.


Internships include 教学创新 writing in K-12 and higher education environments, or hosting writing workshops for personal or professional development.

出版 and other writing-related fields

Internships have included book launches with Etruscan Press, filming and research for SenArt films, reading and script coverage for Resonate Entertainment, building websites and online presence for Kaylie Jones Books, Northampton House Press, and Havescripts.com, working for a literary agency, or reviewing books for a variety of 出版商.